Olio di argan per il viso: anche nel makeup!

Argan oil for the face: a real panacea

You will surely have heard of this oil which is attributed with prodigious properties!

Let's talk about Argan oil, a cosmetic ingredient that in recent years has become increasingly famous and used in the most disparate products for face care , of body skin and hair.

Let's discover its properties together, where it comes from and whether it actually deserves the fame that precedes it.

All the secrets of Argan oil, a fabulous beauty ally.

How it is produced and how it is presented

Its origins are ancient (it has been known for centuries) and are traced back to Morocco, in particular to the area located south-west of this country. In this area the shrubs of the plant from which this precious oil is obtained grow spontaneously: Argan oil is in fact the refined product of almond processing in Argania spinosa , a plant that belongs to the family of Sapoteacee.

Argania spinosa has very deep roots and in its maximum dimensions it looks like a majestic tree that can live up to 200 years. During his life he produces fleshy fruits, green with brown shades, which contain two or three seeds, that is the almonds from which the Argan oil is extracted.

The process by which it is obtained is long and laborious. Once it was produced entirely in the traditional way, today much of the process has been mechanized.

The Argan tree, from which Argan oil is produced.

The benefits and properties of Argan oil

The Argan oil used in cosmetics is the one obtained by cold pressing and its properties are mainly attributable to a strong presence of mono and polyunsaturated fats (almost 99%). Its unsaponifiable amount contains vitamin E, but inside this oil it is also possible to find traces of sterols, carotene, linoleic acid and vitamin A.

More specifically, the Argan oil holds mainly:

  • Antioxidant properties for face and body (fights free radicals, thus slowing down cellular aging)
  • Elasticizing properties and emollients (thanks to the presence of polyphenols that stimulate the formation of collagen, a protein that helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and relaxes the skin)

    An oil that therefore protects the skin from premature aging, helps to preserve its hydration and makes it elastic and soft. This last feature helps a lot to make sure that no stretch marks appear on the body in case of pregnancy or sudden and important changes in weight.

    Such valuable benefits certainly could not have gone unnoticed in the eyes of the cosmetics industry!

    The prodigious antioxidant and elasticizing properties of the oil of Argan.

    Argan oil in body makeup and creams: here in what

    Argan oil is widely used in skincare face and body precisely because of its protective and emollient action.

    With particular reference to our catalog, we find it in the BioPrimer Brightening , formulated specifically to create a perfect base even on dry and mature skin, and in the Nectar for lips , an intensive treatment and repairer for lips tested by atmospheric agents and requiring an extremely rich and nutritious product for their" remise en forme ".

    But it doesn't end there. As we have just mentioned, the cosmetic activity of this oil can also be applied to sagging of the skin of the body and in order to guarantee perfect hydration.

    So that becomes an essential ingredient of our body moisturizer Blueberry Cream , as well as its creamy shower gel version.

    Blueberry cream and shower, when the skincare meets the Argan oil.