Metal Amnesia Collection

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Metal Amnesia Collection
Forgotten metals ...

Dazzling Tumbaga from the Americas, mythical Corinthian Bronze, mysterious Shakudo ... The precious metal alloys of the ancient past, now extinct or hidden in remote museum rooms. Metal Amnesia is an artistic / archaeological project that recreates the colors of ancient metals as a form of makeup, giving them a new, shiny life.
The eyeshadows of the Metal Amnesia by Neve Cosmetics collection have a new formula, created to enhance every single reflection with a malleable and evanescent texture: a crossover between loose powder and mousse, soft to the touch and sparkling in the light.

Warm black with gold and copper reflections and polychrome interferences.
Inspired by the legendary metal used in the Middle Ages to decorate Japanese swords.

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Blend of gold and silver, with bright silver reflections and deep beige/gold undertone.
Inspired by Electrum, the ancient blend of gold and silver used to decorate the pyramids and forge the first Lydian coins.

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Shiny bronzed copper with salmon rose reflections.
Inspired by the Corinthian Bronze, considered the most valuable among the bronze alloys of ancient Greece.

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Warm gray-black with metallic reflections.
Inspired by meteoric iron, the 'metal fallen from the sky' of the oldest ferrous artifacts in the history of mankind.

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Bright gold with an intense honey colored base and incandescent reflections.
Inspired by the alloy of gold and copper used to create sacred objects in pre-Columbian America.

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Forgotten bronze
Transparent smoky bronze with lilac silver reflections.
Inspired by Hepatizon, a burnished bronze alloy from classical antiquity, whose manufacturing process is now lost.

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Sparkling silver with indigo undertones and icy reflections.
Inspired by the Britannia Silver standard, known for its high percentage of pure silver.

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Bronze with warm green undertones and antique gold reflections.
Inspired by the legendary metal mentioned in the Myth of Atlantis and material of the Roman Empire's sesterces.

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Metal Amnesia eyeshadows can be applied with a brush or with clean fingers straight on the eyelid. To obtain a 'molten metal' effect, apply the product on slightly moistened (with water or Nebbia Fissante) skin in order to liquify the texture and amplify the reflections.
For dry application it is recommended to use an eye base (Rugiada per Makeup).

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