Come realizzare il perfetto trucco occhi Smokey eyes

Come realizzare un perfetto trucco SMOKEY EYES

Il trucco smokey eyes è famoso per dare una incredibile profondità allo sguardo e renderlo magnetico e seducente.

Come fare lo smokey eyes nero

Si pensa, sbagliando, che sia un trucco molto complicato e ad esclusiva portata dei truccatori più bravi; ma se vi dicessimo che non è così, e che con qualche accorgimento potete riuscire a realizzarlo anche da sole?

Basta armarsi dei prodotti giusti ed imparare ad applicare poco ombretto per volta, sfumando molto bene prima di procedere ad intensificare il colore.

Oggi vi proponiamo una rivisazione del classico smokey eyes, reso più particolare dalla presenza di microglitter luminosi nell’ombretto nero Brooklyn, ma se preferite il total matte potete sostituire Brooklyn con un ombretto nero completamente opaco come il nostro Black Sheep.

Come fare il perfetto trucco smokey eyes: i prodotti giusti


  • Fondotinta
  • Correttore
  • Cipria
  • Una matita per sopracciglia
  • Rugiada per Makeup mixing medium
  • L’ombretto minerale Fondente
  • L’ombretto minerale Diamanti in Polvere
  • L’ombretto minerale Brooklyn
  • La Pastello occhi Corona
  • La Pastello occhi Liquirizia
  • Pennelli occhi per applicare e sfumare i prodotti
  • Mascara
  • Eyeliner nero

Brooklyn black mineral eyeshadow glittery: perfect for makeup Smokey eyes

First part: THE BASE

First make the base with the Star System high-coverage foundation and neutralize any dark circles with the Concealer concealer. Recourse to the concealer may not be necessary considering the already high coverage of this foundation, but it is subjective and depends on how strong your dark circles are.

Fix the creamy products with the powder you prefer. There are many in our catalog, many of which are also suitable for use in this specific area, more delicate than other parts of the face.

Define and fill the eyebrows with a pencil or colored mascara and eyebrow fixer

Smokey eyes black makeup


Let's get to the heart of making the smokey eyes makeup and, first of all, take a gradient brush like our Teal Blending. Pick up some Fondente mineral eyeshadow with a brush and apply it to the eye fold to create the transition color.

With the brush still a little impregnated with color, but without going to take another pigment, lightly mark the lower part of the eye, slightly darkening towards the lower rim.

Take the Liquorice Black Eyes Pastel, go and apply it over the entire extension of the eyelid and blend the color with a brush like our Turquoise Eyebuki. With this procedure we will create a creamy and intense base on which the mineral pigment will adhere easily, limiting the risk of fallout.

At this point, all that remains is to apply the beautiful Brooklyn pigment to the eyelid. You can help yourself with a flat brush like our Azure Shadow. We suggest you apply a little pigment at a time, blend it in a harmonious way and then go and get more to intensify the intensity of the eye shadow. Blend especially well towards the crescent, where it was previously applied Fondente, so as to join the two colors without detachments.

The bulk of the makeup is done, but no look can be said to be truly feline without the addition of a beautiful eyeliner line. Then proceed to apply the InkMe Bastet coloring.

Mascara, mascara and more mascara! For a volumizing effect our Lash Academy or Occhioni will be perfect.

Dew for makeup mixing medium


Your smokey eyes are termite and you are ready for a special evening, but you can always give a little more brightness and make your makeup more special thanks to the Corona eye pencil and the very bright Diamanti powder mineral pigment, to be mixed with a few drops of Dew for Makeup to obtain a fabulous liquid eye shadow with which to make decorations along the eyeliner line.

Mixing medium for eyeshadow