Notturno Desert
Change with the light, shine in the dark.
The eyeliner is a product loved by all true makeup enthusiasts. There are many ready-to-use colors already available on the market, but if it were also possible to transform your favorite eye shadows into splendid liquid eyeliner ?
This would allow you to have even more colors and varieties available to have fun creating new and sophisticated looks.
Do you think it's not possible? Mistaken. Nothing could be easier! In this article we will explain how.
The process to create colored eyeliner is very simple and takes only 5 minutes of time.
The trick is to make liquid mineral eye shadows, which by their very nature have a very high pigmentation, with the right products.
Here's how:
One of the most noteworthy things about this process lies not only in the possibility of turning eye shadows into liquid eyeliner, but also in the fact that it becomes possible to mix colors and create always different and personalized eyeliner.
There is no limit to the number of eye shadows you can mix in the cup before applying Dew for makeup and making the powders you've selected liquid. The important thing is that you use the right amount of product by color, without exaggerating.
La palette per sempre.
Per labbra deliziosamente armocromatiche!
Breve introduzione all'armocromia per principianti. Le basi da cui partire.